This is the complete list of members for omega::DrawInterface, including all inherited members.
beginDraw2D(const DrawContext &context) | omega::DrawInterface | |
beginDraw3D(const DrawContext &context) | omega::DrawInterface | |
createFont(omega::String fontName, omega::String filename, int size, FTGLFontType type=FTGLTexture) | omega::DrawInterface | |
createProgram(GLuint vertextShader, GLuint fragmentShader) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawCircle(Vector2f position, float radius, const Color &color, int segments) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawCircleOutline(Vector2f position, float radius, const Color &color, int segments) | omega::DrawInterface | |
DrawInterface() | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawRect(Vector2f pos, Vector2f size, Color color) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawRectGradient(Vector2f pos, Vector2f size, Orientation orientation, Color startColor, Color endColor, float pc=0.5f) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawRectOutline(Vector2f pos, Vector2f size, Color color) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawRectTexture(Texture *texture, const Vector2f &position, const Vector2f size, uint flipFlags=0, const Vector2f &minUV=Vector2f::Zero(), const Vector2f &maxUV=Vector2f::Ones()) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawText(const String &text, Font *font, const Vector2f &position, unsigned int align, Color color) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawWireSphere(const Color &color, int segments, int slices) | omega::DrawInterface | |
drawWText(const std::wstring &text, Font *font, const Vector2f &position, unsigned int align, Color color) | omega::DrawInterface | |
endDraw() | omega::DrawInterface | |
fillTexture(TextureSource *texture) | omega::DrawInterface | |
findUniform(GLuint program, const String &name) | omega::DrawInterface | |
FlipFlags enum name | omega::DrawInterface | |
FlipX enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FlipY enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FragmentShader enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLBitmap enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLBuffer enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLExtrd enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLFontType enum name | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLOutline enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLPixmap enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLPolygon enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
FTGLTexture enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
getDefaultFont() | omega::DrawInterface | inline |
getFont(omega::String fontName, FTGLFontType type=FTGLTexture) | omega::DrawInterface | |
getOrCreateProgram(const String &name, const String &vertexShaderFile, const String &fragmentShaderFile) | omega::DrawInterface | |
getOrCreateProgramFromSource(const String &name, const String &vertexShaderSource, const String &fragmentShaderSource) | omega::DrawInterface | |
getScissor() | omega::DrawInterface | |
isDrawing() | omega::DrawInterface | inline |
makeShaderFromSource(const char *source, ShaderType Type) | omega::DrawInterface | |
mysObjList | omicron::ReferenceType | protectedstatic |
popTransform() | omega::DrawInterface | |
printObjCounts() | omicron::ReferenceType | static |
program(GLuint id) | omega::DrawInterface | |
pushTransform(const AffineTransform3 &transform) | omega::DrawInterface | |
rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) | omega::DrawInterface | |
ref() | omicron::ReferenceType | |
refCount() | omicron::ReferenceType | inline |
ReferenceType() | omicron::ReferenceType | |
setColor(const Color &col) | omega::DrawInterface | inline |
setDefaultFont(Font *value) | omega::DrawInterface | inline |
setScissor(const Rect &rect) | omega::DrawInterface | |
ShaderType enum name | omega::DrawInterface | |
textureFlip(uint flipflags) | omega::DrawInterface | |
textureRegion(float su, float sv, float eu, float ev) | omega::DrawInterface | |
uniformFloat(GLuint uniform, float value) | omega::DrawInterface | |
unref() | omicron::ReferenceType | |
VertexShader enum value | omega::DrawInterface | |
~ReferenceType() | omicron::ReferenceType | virtual |