►Nomega | |
►Nxml | |
CTiXmlAttribute | An attribute is a name-value pair |
CTiXmlAttributeSet | |
CTiXmlBase | TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml |
CTiXmlComment | An XML comment |
CTiXmlCursor | |
CTiXmlDeclaration | In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file |
CTiXmlDocument | Always the top level node |
CTiXmlElement | The element is a container class |
CTiXmlHandle | A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing |
CTiXmlNode | The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model |
CTiXmlOutStream | |
CTiXmlPrinter | Print to memory functionality |
CTiXmlString | |
CTiXmlText | XML text |
CTiXmlUnknown | Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown |
CTiXmlVisitor | Implements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks |
CActor | A specialied EngineModule used to control objects in a scene and define custom behaviors |
CApplication | Convenience application class to create omegaToolkit applications |
CApplicationBase | |
►CAsyncTask | |
CIAsyncTaskHandler | |
CBrush | |
CCamera | Handles information about a view transformation, head tracking and optional target buffers for off screen rendering A camera can have a controller that is used to implement a navigation technique |
CCameraController | |
CCameraOutput | The Camera output class is used to simplify and optimize reading back
rendered frames to main memory |
CColor | |
CConsole | |
CConsoleRenderPass | |
CCylindricalDisplayConfig | |
CDisplayConfig | Stores omegalib display configuration data |
CDisplayConfigBuilder | Interface for display configuration generators |
CDisplayNodeConfig | |
CDisplaySystem | |
CDisplayTileConfig | |
CDrawContext | Contains information about the context in which drawing operations take place |
CDrawInterface | |
CEngine | The omegalib Engine is the core runtime component of omegalib |
CEngineModule | Base class for engine modules Engine modules are classes that can be attached to the engine and receive update, event and command calls |
CEventSharingModule | |
CFont | |
CFontInfo | |
CFrameInfo | Contains information about the current frame |
CGamepadCameraController | |
CGpuContext | A class managing all resources associated with a single GPU context |
►CGpuDrawCall | |
CTextureBinding | |
CGpuProgram | |
CGpuRef | A template for accessing gpu resources on multiple contexts |
CGpuResource | |
CICameraListener | Implements a listener that can be attached to cameras to listen to draw methods |
CICanvasListener | Listener for canvas changes, register using DisplayConfig::setCanvasListener |
CImageBroadcastModule | |
►CImageUtils | ImageUtils is a container of functions for synchronous and asyncronous image loading |
CLoadImageAsyncTaskData | |
CIMissionControlListener | Interface for classes that listen to mission control events like client connections, disconnections and name changes |
CIMissionControlMessageHandler | Interface for classes that handle mission control messages |
CIRendererCommand | |
CISharedData | |
CKeyboardMouseCameraController | Implements a camera controller using mouse and keyboard in FPS style: WASD keys are used to move, R,F to move up and down, mouse click and rotate to rotate the view |
CMissionControlClient | |
CMissionControlConnection | |
CMissionControlMessageIds | Stores the 4-character ids of messages used by the Mission Control protocol |
CMissionControlServer | |
CModuleServices | |
CMouseCameraController | |
CMultiInstanceConfig | Contains data about multi-instance mode |
CNode | Class representing a general-purpose node in an articulated scene graph |
CNodeComponent | NodeComponent is the base class for objects that can be attached to a scene node |
CNullDisplaySystem | Implements a basic 'empty' display system that can be used to launch some applications in headless mode |
CPixelData | |
CPlanarDisplayConfig | |
CPlatform | Contains generic information about the platform (software, hardware and runtime), obtained by parsing the 'config/platform' section in the system configuration file |
CPointer | |
CPointerRenderable | |
►CPythonInterpreter | |
CQueuedCommand | |
CRaySceneQuery | |
CRenderable | |
CRenderableCommand | |
CRenderableFactory | Base class for objects that can create renderables |
CRenderer | The omegalib renderer is the entry point for all of omegalib rendering code |
CRenderPass | The base class for classes that perform drawing on the render thread |
CRenderTarget | |
CSceneNode | Represents a node in the omegalib scene graph |
CSceneNodeListener | |
CSceneQuery | |
CSceneQueryResult | |
CSharedDataServices | |
CSharedIStream | |
CSharedObject | |
CSharedOStream | |
CStat | |
CStatsManager | |
CSystemManager | SystemManager is the kernel of the omegalib runtime |
CTexture | |
CTextureSource | |
CTrackedObject | Implements an Actor that sets the position and orientation of a scene node based on a events generated from a tracking system |
CUniform | A shader uniform |
CUpdateContext | Contains information about the context in which an update operation is taking place |
CVertexArray | A collection of vertex buffers forming a complete vertex stream |
►CVertexBuffer | A buffer containing per-vertex data |
CVertexAttribute | |
CWandCameraController | |
CWorkerPool | |
CWorkerTask | |
►NomegaToolkit | |
►Nui | |
CAbstractButton | |
CButton | |
CContainer | |
CContainer3dSettings | |
CContainerRenderable | |
CDefaultButton | |
CDefaultButtonRenderable | |
CDefaultSlider | |
CDefaultSliderRenderable | |
CDefaultWidgetFactory | |
CImage | |
CImageRenderable | |
CIMenuItemListener | |
CLabel | |
CLabelRenderable | |
CMenu | |
CMenuItem | |
CMenuManager | |
CSlider | |
CTextBox | |
►CWidget | |
CBorderStyle | |
CWidgetFactory | |
CWidgetRenderable | |
CCameraStereoSwitcher | A module that switches an application stereo mode on or off based on it's tracker position and orientation.Useful to disable stereo rendering when a user is taking off their glasses |
CCameraStreamer | A camera listener that uses plug-ins to encode rendered frames into video streams |
CControllerManipulator | |
CDefaultMouseInteractor | |
CDefaultTwoHandsInteractor | |
CEditableObject | |
CIEncoder | Interface for encoder implementations |
CMouseManipulator | |
CSceneEditorModule | |
CToolkitUtils | |
CUiModule | |
CUiRenderPass | |
CUiScriptCommand | |
CWandManipulator | Implements a wand node manipulator |
CWandPointerSwitcher | |
►Nomicron | Utility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names |
CAlignedBox3 | A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes |
CAssetCacheConnection | Represents a connection between the cache service and a remote cache manager |
CAssetCacheManager | The asset cache manager connects to a remote cache service and synchronizes a list of files with it |
CAssetCacheService | The asset cache service manages a set of caches |
CAutoLock | |
CByteArray | |
CConfig | |
CConnectionInfo | Contains information about a single connection |
CDataInfo | |
CDataManager | |
CDataSource | |
CDataStream | |
CDictionary | A Dictionary storing key-value pairs using a hashtable implementation |
CDirectInputService | |
CEvent | Events are generated by Service instances |
CEventBase | |
CFileDataStream | |
CFilesystemDataSource | |
CGestureService | |
CHeartbeatService | HearthbeatService implements a very simple event service, that sends out update events at a predefined rate |
CHttpRequest | |
CIEventListener | The IEventListener interface is implemented by objects that can receive and process events |
CIHttpRequestListener | |
CILogListener | |
CInputServer | |
CJoint | |
CKeyValue | A key-value pair, usually stored in objects of the Dictionary class |
CLegacyDirectInputService | |
CLegacyNetService | |
CLibrary | A cross-platform object for accessyng dynamically-linked libraries |
CList | List is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library list implementation |
CLock | |
CMath | Class to provide access to common mathematical functions |
CMocapGestureManager | |
CMocapUser | |
CMSKinectService | |
CNameGenerator | |
CNaturalPointService | |
CNetService | |
COpenNIService | |
COptiTrackService | |
CPlane | Defines a plane in 3D space |
CPlaneBoundedVolume | Represents a convex volume bounded by planes |
CPQService | |
CPSMoveService | HearthbeatService implements a very simple event service, that sends out update events at a predefined rate |
CQueue | Queue is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library queue implementation |
CRay | Representation of a ray in space, i.e |
CRayPointMapper | |
CRect_T | Stores a rectangular region in integer units |
CRef | |
CReferenceType | Implements a base class for reference-counted types |
CSagePointerService | Implements a service able to receive pointer updates from the SAGE pointer application |
CService | The base class for Services: a Service has code that is executed periodically (in the poll method) and can generate and queue events to be read by the user or other services |
CServiceManager | |
CSound | |
CSoundEnvironment | |
CSoundInstance | |
CSoundManager | |
CSphere | A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking |
CStringUtils | Utility class for manipulating Strings |
CTcpConnection | A TCP Connection |
CTcpServer | Implements a Tcp server |
CThinkGearService | |
CThread | |
CThreadEvent | |
CTimer | |
CTouchGestureManager | |
CTouchGroup | |
CVector | Dictionary is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library vector implementation |
CVRPNService | |
CVRPNStruct | |
CWandService | |
CWiimoteService | Reads input data from Wii controllers |
CXInputService | |
►NomicronConnector | |
CEventData | |
CIOmicronConnectorClientListener | |
COmicronConnectorClient | |
C__nvwa_compile_time_error | |
C__nvwa_compile_time_error< true > | |
Cconfig_list_t | |
Cconfig_setting_t | |
Cconfig_t | |
Cconfig_value_t | |
CNetTouches | |
Cparse_context | |
Cscan_context | |
Cstrbuf_t | |
CTouch | |
Cwiimote | |
Cwiimote_sample | |
►Cwiimote_state | |
►Cacceleration | |
Corientation | |
►Cbalance_board | |
Ccalibration_info | |
Csensors_f | |
Csensors_raw | |
Cbuttons | |
Ccalibration_info | |
►Cclassic_controller | |
Cbuttons | |
Ccalibration_info | |
►Cir | |
Cdot | |
►Cjoystick | |
Cdeadzone | |
Cleds | |
►Cmotion_plus | |
Csensors_f | |
Csensors_raw | |
►Cnunchuk | |
Ccalibration_info | |
Cspeaker | |
Cwiimote_state_event | |