C__nvwa_compile_time_error< bool > | |
C__nvwa_compile_time_error< true > | |
Cwiimote_state::acceleration | |
Comicron::AlignedBox3 | A 3D box aligned with the x/y/z axes |
►Comega::ApplicationBase | |
Comega::Application< T > | Convenience application class to create omegaToolkit applications |
Comicron::AutoLock | |
Cwiimote_state::balance_board | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Widget::BorderStyle | |
Comega::Brush | |
Cwiimote_state::buttons | |
Cwiimote_state::classic_controller::buttons | |
Cwiimote_state::calibration_info | |
Cwiimote_state::nunchuk::calibration_info | |
Cwiimote_state::classic_controller::calibration_info | |
Cwiimote_state::balance_board::calibration_info | |
Cwiimote_state::classic_controller | |
Comega::Color | |
Cconfig_list_t | |
Cconfig_setting_t | |
Cconfig_t | |
Cconfig_value_t | |
Comicron::ConnectionInfo | Contains information about a single connection |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Container3dSettings | |
Comicron::DataInfo | |
Comicron::DataManager | |
►Comicron::DataStream | |
Comicron::FileDataStream | |
Cwiimote_state::joystick::deadzone | |
Comega::DisplayNodeConfig | |
Cwiimote_state::ir::dot | |
Comega::DrawContext | Contains information about the context in which drawing operations take place |
ComegaToolkit::EditableObject | |
►Comicron::EventBase | |
Comicron::Event | Events are generated by Service instances |
ComicronConnector::EventData | |
Comega::FontInfo | |
Comega::FrameInfo | Contains information about the current frame |
Comega::GpuRef< T > | A template for accessing gpu resources on multiple contexts |
►Chash_map | |
Comicron::Dictionary< char, omega::Color > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, GLuint > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, omega::SharedObject * > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, omega::Stat * > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, omicron::Ref< omega::DisplayTileConfig > > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, QuickCommand > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, Ref< Channel > > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, Ref< Node > > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, ServiceAllocator > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< String, String > | |
Comicron::Dictionary< K, T > | A Dictionary storing key-value pairs using a hashtable implementation |
Comicron::HttpRequest | |
Comega::AsyncTask< T >::IAsyncTaskHandler | |
►Comega::ICameraListener | Implements a listener that can be attached to cameras to listen to draw methods |
ComegaToolkit::CameraStreamer | A camera listener that uses plug-ins to encode rendered frames into video streams |
Comega::ICanvasListener | Listener for canvas changes, register using DisplayConfig::setCanvasListener |
ComegaToolkit::IEncoder | Interface for encoder implementations |
►Comicron::IEventListener | The IEventListener interface is implemented by objects that can receive and process events |
Comega::Engine | The omegalib Engine is the core runtime component of omegalib |
►Comega::EngineModule | Base class for engine modules Engine modules are classes that can be attached to the engine and receive update, event and command calls |
►Comega::Actor | A specialied EngineModule used to control objects in a scene and define custom behaviors |
Comega::TrackedObject | Implements an Actor that sets the position and orientation of a scene node based on a events generated from a tracking system |
ComegaToolkit::ControllerManipulator | |
ComegaToolkit::DefaultMouseInteractor | |
ComegaToolkit::DefaultTwoHandsInteractor | |
ComegaToolkit::MouseManipulator | |
ComegaToolkit::WandManipulator | Implements a wand node manipulator |
►Comega::CameraController | |
Comega::GamepadCameraController | |
Comega::KeyboardMouseCameraController | Implements a camera controller using mouse and keyboard in FPS style: WASD keys are used to move, R,F to move up and down, mouse click and rotate to rotate the view |
Comega::MouseCameraController | |
Comega::WandCameraController | |
Comega::Console | |
Comega::EventSharingModule | |
Comega::ImageBroadcastModule | |
Comega::MissionControlClient | |
ComegaToolkit::CameraStereoSwitcher | A module that switches an application stereo mode on or off based on it's tracker position and orientation.Useful to disable stereo rendering when a user is taking off their glasses |
ComegaToolkit::SceneEditorModule | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::MenuManager | |
ComegaToolkit::UiModule | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::MenuItem | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::Widget | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::AbstractButton | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::Button | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::DefaultButton | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Container | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Image | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::Label | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::TextBox | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::Slider | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::DefaultSlider | |
ComegaToolkit::UiScriptCommand | |
Comicron::IHttpRequestListener | |
►Comicron::ILogListener | |
Comega::Console | |
Comega::MissionControlServer | |
Comega::ImageUtils | ImageUtils is a container of functions for synchronous and asyncronous image loading |
ComegaToolkit::ui::IMenuItemListener | |
Comega::IMissionControlListener | Interface for classes that listen to mission control events like client connections, disconnections and name changes |
►Comega::IMissionControlMessageHandler | Interface for classes that handle mission control messages |
Comega::MissionControlClient | |
Comicron::InputServer | |
►ComicronConnector::IOmicronConnectorClientListener | |
Comicron::NetService | |
Cwiimote_state::ir | |
Comega::ISharedData | |
Comicron::Joint | |
Cwiimote_state::joystick | |
Cwiimote_state::leds | |
►Cstd::list< T > | STL class |
Comicron::List< omega::EngineModule * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::GpuDrawCall::TextureBinding * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::Node * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::PythonInterpreter::QueuedCommand * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::SceneNodeListener * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::SharedObject * > | |
Comicron::List< omega::Stat * > | |
Comicron::List< omegaToolkit::EditableObject * > | |
Comicron::List< omegaToolkit::ui::Menu * > | |
Comicron::List< omegaToolkit::ui::Widget * > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::AssetCacheConnection * > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::EngineModule > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::GpuResource > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::MissionControlConnection > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::NodeComponent > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::Renderable > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::Renderer > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::RenderPass > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omega::Uniform > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omicron::DataSource > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omicron::Service > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Ref< omicron::TcpConnection > > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::ReferenceType * > | |
Comicron::List< omicron::Thread * > | |
Comicron::List< Ref< Camera > > | |
Comicron::List< Ref< ExtendedUiData > > | |
Comicron::List< Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::MenuItem > > | |
Comicron::List< Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::Widget > > | |
Comicron::List< Ref< ui::Widget > > | |
Comicron::List< String > | |
Comicron::List< void * > | |
Comicron::List< T > | List is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library list implementation |
Comega::ImageUtils::LoadImageAsyncTaskData | |
Comicron::Lock | |
Comicron::Math | Class to provide access to common mathematical functions |
Comega::MissionControlMessageIds | Stores the 4-character ids of messages used by the Mission Control protocol |
Comicron::MocapUser | |
Comega::ModuleServices | |
Cwiimote_state::motion_plus | |
Comega::MultiInstanceConfig | Contains data about multi-instance mode |
Comicron::NameGenerator | |
CNetTouches | |
Cwiimote_state::nunchuk | |
ComicronConnector::OmicronConnectorClient | |
Cwiimote_state::acceleration::orientation | |
►Cpair | |
Comicron::KeyValue< K, T > | A key-value pair, usually stored in objects of the Dictionary class |
Cparse_context | |
Comicron::Plane | Defines a plane in 3D space |
Comicron::PlaneBoundedVolume | Represents a convex volume bounded by planes |
Comega::Platform | Contains generic information about the platform (software, hardware and runtime), obtained by parsing the 'config/platform' section in the system configuration file |
►Cstd::queue< T > | STL class |
Comicron::Queue< T > | Queue is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library queue implementation |
Comicron::Queue< omega::DisplayTileConfig * > | |
Comicron::Queue< omicron::Ref< omega::IRendererCommand > > | |
Comicron::Queue< omicron::Ref< omega::WorkerTask::TaskInfo > > | |
Cwiimote::hid::queue_entry | |
Comega::PythonInterpreter::QueuedCommand | |
Comicron::Ray | Representation of a ray in space, i.e |
Comicron::Rect_T< Type > | Stores a rectangular region in integer units |
Comicron::Ref< T > | |
Comicron::Ref< Camera > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Camera > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::CameraOutput > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::DisplayConfigBuilder > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::DisplayTileConfig > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::DrawInterface > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::EngineModule > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::EventSharingModule > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::GpuProgram > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::GpuResource > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::IRendererCommand > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::MissionControlConnection > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::NodeComponent > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::PixelData > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Renderable > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Renderer > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::RenderPass > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::RenderTarget > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::SceneNode > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Stat > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::StatsManager > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Texture > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::TextureSource > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::Uniform > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::VertexArray > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::VertexBuffer > | |
Comicron::Ref< omega::WorkerTask::TaskInfo > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::Menu > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::MenuItem > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::MenuManager > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Button > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Container > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Image > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Label > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Slider > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::ui::omegaToolkit::ui::Widget > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::UiModule > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::UiRenderPass > | |
Comicron::Ref< omegaToolkit::UiScriptCommand > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::AssetCacheManager > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::Config > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::DataSource > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::Library > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::RayPointMapper > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::Service > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::Sound > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::SoundEnvironment > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::SoundInstance > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::SoundManager > | |
Comicron::Ref< omicron::TcpConnection > | |
Comicron::Ref< ui::Container > | |
Comicron::Ref< ui::Widget > | |
Comicron::Ref< ui::WidgetFactory > | |
►Comicron::ReferenceType | Implements a base class for reference-counted types |
Comega::AsyncTask< T > | |
Comega::CameraOutput | The Camera output class is used to simplify and optimize reading back
rendered frames to main memory |
Comega::DisplayConfig | Stores omegalib display configuration data |
►Comega::DisplayConfigBuilder | Interface for display configuration generators |
Comega::CylindricalDisplayConfig | |
Comega::PlanarDisplayConfig | |
►Comega::DisplaySystem | |
Comega::NullDisplaySystem | Implements a basic 'empty' display system that can be used to launch some applications in headless mode |
Comega::DisplayTileConfig | |
Comega::DrawInterface | |
Comega::Engine | The omegalib Engine is the core runtime component of omegalib |
Comega::Font | |
Comega::GpuContext | A class managing all resources associated with a single GPU context |
Comega::GpuDrawCall | |
►Comega::GpuResource | |
Comega::GpuProgram | |
Comega::RenderTarget | |
Comega::Texture | |
Comega::VertexArray | A collection of vertex buffers forming a complete vertex stream |
Comega::VertexBuffer | A buffer containing per-vertex data |
►Comega::IRendererCommand | |
Comega::RenderableCommand | |
►Comega::Node | Class representing a general-purpose node in an articulated scene graph |
►Comega::SceneNode | Represents a node in the omegalib scene graph |
Comega::Camera | Handles information about a view transformation, head tracking and optional target buffers for off screen rendering A camera can have a controller that is used to implement a navigation technique |
Comega::NodeComponent | NodeComponent is the base class for objects that can be attached to a scene node |
►Comega::Renderable | |
Comega::PointerRenderable | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::WidgetRenderable | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::ContainerRenderable | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::DefaultButtonRenderable | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::DefaultSliderRenderable | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::ImageRenderable | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::LabelRenderable | |
►Comega::RenderableFactory | Base class for objects that can create renderables |
Comega::Pointer | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Widget | |
Comega::Renderer | The omegalib renderer is the entry point for all of omegalib rendering code |
►Comega::RenderPass | The base class for classes that perform drawing on the render thread |
Comega::ConsoleRenderPass | |
ComegaToolkit::UiRenderPass | |
►Comega::SharedObject | |
Comega::EngineModule | Base class for engine modules Engine modules are classes that can be attached to the engine and receive update, event and command calls |
Comega::PythonInterpreter | |
Comega::Stat | |
Comega::StatsManager | |
►Comega::TextureSource | |
Comega::PixelData | |
Comega::Uniform | A shader uniform |
Comega::WorkerTask | |
ComegaToolkit::CameraStreamer | A camera listener that uses plug-ins to encode rendered frames into video streams |
ComegaToolkit::ui::Menu | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::MenuItem | |
►ComegaToolkit::ui::WidgetFactory | |
ComegaToolkit::ui::DefaultWidgetFactory | |
ComegaToolkit::UiScriptCommand | |
Comicron::AssetCacheManager | The asset cache manager connects to a remote cache service and synchronizes a list of files with it |
Comicron::ByteArray | |
Comicron::Config | |
►Comicron::DataSource | |
Comicron::FilesystemDataSource | |
Comicron::Event | Events are generated by Service instances |
Comicron::Library | A cross-platform object for accessyng dynamically-linked libraries |
Comicron::RayPointMapper | |
►Comicron::Service | The base class for Services: a Service has code that is executed periodically (in the poll method) and can generate and queue events to be read by the user or other services |
ComegaToolkit::WandPointerSwitcher | |
Comicron::DirectInputService | |
Comicron::GestureService | |
Comicron::HeartbeatService | HearthbeatService implements a very simple event service, that sends out update events at a predefined rate |
Comicron::LegacyDirectInputService | |
Comicron::LegacyNetService | |
Comicron::MocapGestureManager | |
Comicron::MSKinectService | |
Comicron::MSKinectService | |
Comicron::NaturalPointService | |
Comicron::NetService | |
Comicron::OpenNIService | |
Comicron::OptiTrackService | |
Comicron::PQService | |
Comicron::PSMoveService | HearthbeatService implements a very simple event service, that sends out update events at a predefined rate |
Comicron::SagePointerService | Implements a service able to receive pointer updates from the SAGE pointer application |
►Comicron::TcpServer | Implements a Tcp server |
Comega::MissionControlServer | |
Comicron::AssetCacheService | The asset cache service manages a set of caches |
Comicron::ThinkGearService | |
Comicron::VRPNService | |
Comicron::WandService | |
Comicron::WiimoteService | Reads input data from Wii controllers |
Comicron::XInputService | |
Comicron::Sound | |
Comicron::SoundEnvironment | |
Comicron::SoundInstance | |
Comicron::SoundManager | |
►Comicron::TcpConnection | A TCP Connection |
Comega::MissionControlConnection | |
Comicron::AssetCacheConnection | Represents a connection between the cache service and a remote cache manager |
Cscan_context | |
Comega::SceneNodeListener | |
►Comega::SceneQuery | |
Comega::RaySceneQuery | |
Comega::SceneQueryResult | |
Cwiimote_state::balance_board::sensors_f | |
Cwiimote_state::motion_plus::sensors_f | |
Cwiimote_state::balance_board::sensors_raw | |
Cwiimote_state::motion_plus::sensors_raw | |
Comicron::ServiceManager | |
Comega::SharedDataServices | |
Comega::SharedIStream | |
Comega::SharedOStream | |
Cwiimote_state::speaker | |
Comicron::Sphere | A sphere primitive, mostly used for bounds checking |
Cstrbuf_t | |
Comicron::StringUtils | Utility class for manipulating Strings |
Comega::SystemManager | SystemManager is the kernel of the omegalib runtime |
Comega::GpuDrawCall::TextureBinding | |
►Comicron::Thread | |
Comicron::TouchGestureManager | |
Comicron::ThreadEvent | |
Comicron::Timer | |
Comega::xml::TiXmlAttributeSet | |
►Comega::xml::TiXmlBase | TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml |
Comega::xml::TiXmlAttribute | An attribute is a name-value pair |
►Comega::xml::TiXmlNode | The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model |
Comega::xml::TiXmlComment | An XML comment |
Comega::xml::TiXmlDeclaration | In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file |
Comega::xml::TiXmlDocument | Always the top level node |
Comega::xml::TiXmlElement | The element is a container class |
Comega::xml::TiXmlText | XML text |
Comega::xml::TiXmlUnknown | Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown |
Comega::xml::TiXmlCursor | |
Comega::xml::TiXmlHandle | A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing |
►Comega::xml::TiXmlString | |
Comega::xml::TiXmlOutStream | |
►Comega::xml::TiXmlVisitor | Implements the interface to the "Visitor pattern" (see the Accept() method.) If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks |
Comega::xml::TiXmlPrinter | Print to memory functionality |
ComegaToolkit::ToolkitUtils | |
CTouch | |
Comicron::TouchGroup | |
Comega::UpdateContext | Contains information about the context in which an update operation is taking place |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
Comicron::Vector< T > | Dictionary is usually a lightweight wrapper around a standard library vector implementation |
Comicron::Vector< Trackable > | |
Comicron::Vector< TrackerInfo > | |
Comicron::Vector< void * > | |
Comicron::Vector< xn::DepthGenerator > | |
Comicron::Vector< xn::UserGenerator > | |
Comega::VertexBuffer::VertexAttribute | |
Comicron::VRPNStruct | |
Cwiimote_sample | |
►Cwiimote_state | |
Cwiimote | |
Cwiimote_state_event | |
Comega::WorkerPool | |