omegalib  13.1
ref.hpp File Reference
#include <boost/config.hpp>
#include <boost/assert.hpp>
#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
#include <boost/smart_ptr/detail/sp_convertible.hpp>
#include <boost/config/no_tr1/functional.hpp>
#include <iosfwd>


class  omicron::Ref< T >


 Utility class to generate a sequentially numbered series of names.


template<class T , class U >
bool omicron::operator!= (T *a, Ref< U > const &b)
template<class T >
bool omicron::operator< (Ref< T > const &a, Ref< T > const &b)
template<class T >
void omicron::swap (Ref< T > &lhs, Ref< T > &rhs)
template<class T >
T * omicron::get_pointer (Ref< T > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
Ref< T > omicron::static_pointer_cast (Ref< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
Ref< T > omicron::const_pointer_cast (Ref< U > const &p)
template<class T , class U >
Ref< T > omicron::dynamic_pointer_cast (Ref< U > const &p)
template<class E , class T , class Y >
std::basic_ostream< E, T > & omicron::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< E, T > &os, Ref< Y > const &p)