| SceneNode (Engine *server) |
| SceneNode (Engine *server, const String &name) |
Engine * | getEngine () |
bool | hit (const Ray &ray, Vector3f *hitPoint, HitType type) |
| Hit test. More...
void | update (const UpdateContext &context) |
| Invoked the update function for all node components on this node and down in the hierarchy. More...
virtual void | update (bool updateChildren, bool parentHasChanged) |
virtual void | needUpdate (bool forceParentUpdate=true) |
| To be called in the event of transform changes to this node that require it's recalculation. More...
void | setTag (const String &value) |
const String & | getTag () |
void | addComponent (NodeComponent *o) |
int | getNumComponents () |
void | removeComponent (NodeComponent *o) |
bool | isSelectable () |
void | setSelectable (bool value) |
void | setVisible (bool value) |
| Sets this node visibility. More...
bool | isVisible () |
void | setChildrenVisible (bool value) |
void | setSelected (bool value) |
bool | isSelected () |
bool | isAttachedToScene () |
const AlignedBox3 & | getBoundingBox () |
const Sphere & | getBoundingSphere () |
const Vector3f & | getBoundMinimum () |
const Vector3f & | getBoundMaximum () |
const Vector3f & | getBoundCenter () |
float | getBoundRadius () |
void | requestBoundingBoxUpdate () |
| Force an update of the bounding box for this node. More...
void | addListener (SceneNodeListener *listener) |
void | removeListener (SceneNodeListener *listener) |
void | setFacingCamera (Camera *cam) |
| Billboard mode. More...
Camera * | getFacingCamera () |
void | setFacingCameraFixedY (bool value) |
| When set to true, Y axis for nodes facing camera will be fixed to the world Y axis. More...
bool | isFacingCameraFixedY () |
void | followTrackable (int trackableId) |
| Trackable object. More...
void | setFollowOffset (const Vector3f &offset, const Quaternion &ooffset) |
TrackedObject * | getTracker () |
void | unfollow () |
void | setFlag (uint bit) |
| Node flags. More...
void | unsetFlag (uint bit) |
bool | isFlagSet (uint bit) |
| Node () |
| Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly. More...
| Node (const String &name) |
| Constructor, should only be called by parent, not directly. More...
virtual | ~Node () |
const String & | getName (void) const |
| Returns the name of the node. More...
virtual Node * | getParent (void) const |
| Gets this node's parent (NULL if this is the root). More...
virtual const Quaternion & | getOrientation () const |
| Returns a quaternion representing the nodes orientation. More...
virtual void | setOrientation (const Quaternion &q) |
| Sets the orientation of this node via a quaternion. More...
virtual void | setOrientation (float w, float x, float y, float z) |
| Sets the orientation of this node via quaternion parameters. More...
virtual void | resetOrientation (void) |
| Resets the nodes orientation (local axes as world axes, no rotation). More...
virtual void | setPosition (const Vector3f &pos) |
| Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual void | setPosition (float x, float y, float z) |
| Sets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual const Vector3f & | getPosition (void) const |
| Gets the position of the node relative to it's parent. More...
virtual void | setScale (const Vector3f &scale) |
| Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. More...
virtual void | setScale (float x, float y, float z) |
| Sets the scaling factor applied to this node. More...
virtual const Vector3f & | getScale (void) const |
| Gets the scaling factor of this node. More...
virtual void | setInheritOrientation (bool inherit) |
| Tells the node whether it should inherit orientation from it's parent node. More...
virtual bool | getInheritOrientation (void) const |
| Returns true if this node is affected by orientation applied to the parent node. More...
virtual void | setInheritScale (bool inherit) |
| Tells the node whether it should inherit scaling factors from it's parent node. More...
virtual bool | getInheritScale (void) const |
| Returns true if this node is affected by scaling factors applied to the parent node. More...
virtual void | scale (const Vector3f &scale) |
| Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
virtual void | scale (float x, float y, float z) |
| Scales the node, combining it's current scale with the passed in scaling factor. More...
virtual void | translate (const Vector3f &d, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformParent) |
| Moves the node along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual void | translate (float x, float y, float z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformParent) |
| Moves the node along the Cartesian axes. More...
virtual void | translate (const Matrix3f &axes, const Vector3f &move, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformParent) |
| Moves the node along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual void | translate (const Matrix3f &axes, float x, float y, float z, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformParent) |
| Moves the node along arbitrary axes. More...
virtual void | roll (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the Z-axis. More...
void | rollDeg (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the Z-axis, The angle is specified in degrees. More...
virtual void | pitch (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the X-axis. More...
virtual void | pitchDeg (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the X-axis, The angle is specified in degrees. More...
virtual void | yaw (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the Y-axis. More...
virtual void | yawDeg (const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around the Y-axis, The angle is specified in degrees. More...
virtual void | rotate (const Vector3f &axis, const float &angle, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around an arbitrary axis. More...
virtual void | rotate (const Quaternion &q, TransformSpace relativeTo=TransformLocal) |
| Rotate the node around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion. More...
virtual void | lookAt (const Vector3f &position, const Vector3f &upVector) |
| Rotate the node to make its positive Z axis point toward the specified position. More...
virtual Matrix3f | getLocalAxes (void) const |
| Gets a matrix whose columns are the local axes based on the nodes orientation relative to it's parent. More...
virtual void | addChild (Node *child) |
| Adds a (precreated) child scene node to this node. More...
virtual unsigned short | numChildren (void) const |
| Reports the number of child nodes under this one. More...
virtual Node * | getChild (unsigned short index) const |
| Gets a pointer to a child node. More...
virtual Node * | getChild (const String &name) const |
| Gets a pointer to a named child node. More...
virtual void | removeChild (unsigned short index) |
| Drops the specified child from this node. More...
virtual void | removeChild (Node *child) |
| Drops the specified child from this node. More...
virtual void | removeChild (const String &name) |
| Drops the named child from this node. More...
virtual void | removeAllChildren (void) |
| Removes all child Nodes attached to this node. More...
const List< Node * > & | getChildren () const |
| #PYPI Returns the list of children of this node More...
virtual void | _setDerivedPosition (const Vector3f &pos) |
| Sets the final world position of the node directly. More...
virtual void | _setDerivedOrientation (const Quaternion &q) |
| Sets the final world orientation of the node directly. More...
virtual const Quaternion & | getDerivedOrientation (void) const |
| Gets the orientation of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const Vector3f & | getDerivedPosition (void) const |
| Gets the position of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const Vector3f & | getDerivedScale (void) const |
| Gets the scaling factor of the node as derived from all parents. More...
virtual const AffineTransform3 & | getFullTransform (void) const |
| Gets the full transformation matrix for this node. More...
virtual Vector3f | convertWorldToLocalPosition (const Vector3f &worldPos) |
| Gets the local position, relative to this node, of the given world-space position. More...
virtual Vector3f | convertLocalToWorldPosition (const Vector3f &localPos) |
| Gets the world position of a point in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node. More...
virtual Quaternion | convertWorldToLocalOrientation (const Quaternion &worldOrientation) |
| Gets the local orientation, relative to this node, of the given world-space orientation. More...
virtual Quaternion | convertLocalToWorldOrientation (const Quaternion &localOrientation) |
| Gets the world orientation of an orientation in the node local space useful for simple transforms that don't require a child node. More...
virtual void | requestUpdate (Node *child, bool forceParentUpdate=false) |
| Called by children to notify their parent that they need an update. More...
virtual void | cancelUpdate (Node *child) |
| Called by children to notify their parent that they no longer need an update. More...
void * | getUserData () |
void | setUserData (void *data) |
void | setName (const String &name) |
bool | isUpdateNeeded () |
| ReferenceType () |
virtual | ~ReferenceType () |
void | ref () |
void | unref () |
long | refCount () |
Represents a node in the omegalib scene graph.